Communication Arts Program (CAP)

Explore, experience, and enjoy a conducive learning environment that supports Communication Skills & Performance Arts Education.

Meet Our Facilitators

Sue Sudarak
Jason Ong
Wilson Khor
Serena Cheah
Vincent Ong

Administrative Personnel

Administrative Assistant
Lolin Lim
Administrative Assistant
Suzzane Chan

Meet Our Interns

Upcoming and Important


Discipline #1: Linguistic Macro Skills (LMS)

LMS, is key to effective effective communication. The skills gained from LAW’s LMS course help learners to use their FOUR skills effectively, think critically, and present knowledge/ideas appropriately to tasks, purpose, and audience.

LAW’s Books and Writer Club

LAW’s Book & Writers Club is one of LAW’s initiatives launched in 2017. It is a platform for members to participate in extensive reading (read for enjoyment) and creative writing. Everyone will learn necessary reading and writing strategies while getting ready for school-to-work transition.

We aim to promote literacy skills and create a lifelong learning culture. To us, reading is the backbone to all learning. At LAW, members are encouraged to be resourceful and responsible for their own learning. We enjoy literary activities that are integrative, value-based, challenging, and active. To us, this is where the most learning happens!

“The simplest but most profound impact parents and educators can have on children is to encourage them to read, write, and showcase their work with pride while developing their capacity to interpret and communicate texts imaginatively and confidently. —Sue Sudarak, Principal of LAW

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